Result of the elections to the Board of Trustees

  • 13.09.2024

Result of the elections to the Board of Trustees for the 2025–2028 term of office

We are pleased to inform you of the result of the elections to the Board of Trustees of the Pension Fund of SR Technics Switzerland.

The following employee representatives stood for re-election for the term of office 2025–2028:

For the Pension Fund (PF):

  • Rita Vitanza, Vizepräsidentin
  • Eliane Fischer
  •  Robert Gürtler
  • Pascale Mörikofer

No further candidatures have been received; therefore all above mentioned candidates have been elected in tacit election. We wish to extend our warmest congratulations to each of them upon their

We would like to thank all Board members for their commitment and active involvement in shaping the policies of our Pension Fund and wish them another exciting and successful term of office.